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certified mahogany plywood covered with goatskin
including mallets made of coffee tree wood and leather
ideal for trance journeys, meditation, healing ceremonies
shamanic ritual instrument

Our shaman drums are modelled on the traditional ritual drums of the Inuit (Eskimo), who live in the northern polar region. The round shape and the wooden frame covered with fur are typical. This spiritual frame drum is usually beaten with a mallet.

The frame of the shaman drums available at DAN MOI is made of certified mahogany plywood and covered with goat skin. The mallet, which is included in the delivery, is made of coffee tree wood and leather.

When you beat the shaman drum, a voluminous, powerful sound fills the room and a deep bass tone spreads out. In addition, our ritual drums are light as a feather and therefore easy to hold and play. THE musical instrument for trance journeys, ecstatic dance and ritual healing par excellence!

Shamanism is particularly well known among the peoples of Siberia. Here, as with many ethnic groups around the world, a "shaman" or, more rarely, a "shamaness" takes on the role of mediator between the human and spirit worlds. His or her task is to solve problematic situations, such as diseases, infertility, moral violations, harm magic, unfavourable weather conditions, difficult food supply, etc.. To do this, the religious specialist must get in touch with the other world and put himself in a trance-like condition. The constant beating of the drum, ritual dance, prayers or meditative chants pave the way to the transcendent world.
Kr 112,-
Lev. Prodnr: - Id: 214588